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Pastor Daniel |
INTRODUCTION:- The soul of a man is eternal, either it end up in heaven or in hell, but of regret is that many souls who confess Jesus but did not continue in His word are going to hell.
Jesus in the gospel said that “every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire” Matthew 7:19.
Our confession of Christ is not a guarantee to make heaven because even Satan also believe and tremble more than many of us James 2:19, our activity in whatever level in the church is also not enough, we can be good workers, preachers, evangelists, prophets, teachers, apostles and miracle workers in the eye of man but before God we are workers of iniquity Mathew 7:22.
It will be a terrible thing to have known the Lord or worked for Him and be rejected at the gate of heaven, this is eternal regret , there is no way to rectify it, it is too late and that soul is doomed forever.
Avoiding eternal regret:
Jesus in Matthew 7:21 said that not those who only confess Him will enter heaven but those who do the will of His father, that is those who obey the word of God; in John 8:31 Jesus said to those Jews which believed on Him, “if ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed, God is more interested in those who obey His word, from Abraham to this present generation, He has not shifted in His demand for absolute obedience (that is to carry out the demands and requests of God promptly, completely, whole heartedly and without regret) remember partial obedience is disobedience.
Jesus knows that majority of Christians are going to regret at the gate of heaven thus His warning in Mathew 18:8-9, that it is better to enter into life halt or maimed rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.
Can I confess Christ, attend or even be a worker in the church and still go to hell? The answer is yes. Br. Charles Akujieze in his book Antichrist and the church classified those who come to church in three categories- (1) the true believers, (2) the lost sheep (typical sinners who have never repented) and (3) the lost coins (those living in sin even when they have once repented).
The church is regrettably filled with the lost sheep and lost coin, the difference is that the former are easily identified than the latter. He went further to show the characteristics of the lost coin (a) Those under partial control of the Holy spirit (b) Those elevated above their spiritual level by church post. (c) The dark workers. (d) Spiritual Methuselahs. (e) Spiritual bats. (f)Spiritual snails. (g) Those who are busy doing nothing. (h) Spiritual traders (i) Almost there.
Having explained all these categories, I want us to thoroughly and critically examine ourselves and come before God in confession, church attendance cannot save us, thank God we still have the breathe of life there is need for us to be born again or rededicate our lives back to God, tomorrow might be too late.
Onyemaeze Obidiegwu; (Fountain of grace church of God, Fuenlabrada Madrid).
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